PARVEEN Sample Bailer is used to collect samples of debris from the well bore creating obstructions. PARVEEN Sample Bailer are available in two basic designs with ball or flapper shoe. The shoe opens when sample bailer assembly is forced in debris and closes when the sample bailer is forced out.

PARVEEN Dump Bailer is designed to carry heavy viscosity liquids e.g. cement and other fluids to a point in the well bore where they are required i.e. Plugs, Check Valves etc. The dump bailer contents are released from within the bailer’s cylinder by downward jarring.
This shears the shear pins and allows a plunger to rapture a shear disc. The contents are then free to flow through the open ended bailer shoes and its ports. The dump bailer is shear pinned to prevent premature rapture of the shear disc. Variable shear pins are available as per customer’s requirement.

The PARVEEN Hydrostatic Bailer is used to remove debris which has settled on top of the subsurface equipment, preventing the recovery of the equipment by regular wireline operations.
A hydrostatic bailer is used when debris can not be removed from the well with a sand pump bailer.

The PARVEEN Sand Pump Bailer is used to remove the sand and other debris which has settled on top of the sub surface equipment preventing recovery of the equipment by regular wireline operations.
It is a pump type tool which operates on a conventional lift pump and piston principle. Sand pump bailers are available with the following types of bottom shoes:
1. W/ Flat Bottom : For easy bailing of sand.
2. W/ Angled Bottom : For bailing hard packed sand
3. W/ Flapper Bottom : For bailing metallic particles which cannot pass through ball & seat

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